Trauma Kit 2.0 by Riders Rescue has double the amount of trauma supplies and the inclusion of an emergency bandage, also known as the Israeli bandage plus a SAM splint. This is for a 2 person or heavier trauma situation. This kit is packed in a compact paramedic style bag that is only 13 inches long- a perfect size to throw in a saddlebag. Since this is a trauma focused kit, we did not include pain relievers such as aspirin or any Band-Aids to artificially inflate the value of the kit.
Doubled items include:
- Triangular bandages
- Combine pads
- Saline ampules
- Burn dressings
- Paramedic shears
- Glow stick @ 12 hours
- Cold compresses
- Emergency blankets
**Kit Special Only**
- SAM splint
- Emergency bandage (Israeli bandage)